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Landlord Tenant Forms by State

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Why do some lease termination forms provide for longer periods of notice than others?  The length of notice for termination of lease is largely determined by the lease period.  If a lease is determined to be a week-to-week lease, generally seven days notice is required for termination.  If the lease is determined to be a month-to-month lease, thirty days notice is generally required for termination.

What is a "notice of breach with the right to cure"?  The right to cure is a right held by the tenant which permits the tenant to remedy a breach of a lease within a specified period of time without penalty.  If the breach is not remedied within the stated time period, the landlord then may consider the lease terminated and pursue eviction proceedings against the tenant.

What is a "notice of breach with no right to cure"?  A notice of breach with no right to cure means that the tenant has breached a specific provision of the lease and has no right to remedy the breach.  The lease is therefore terminated and the tenant must vacate the premises within a specified period of time.